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Evangelism in Action: From Pamplona to Jaén

The Reach of Our Evangelism Efforts in Spain.

If you could join us on a journey across Spain, you’d witness the extraordinary impact of our evangelism campaigns firsthand. Our dedicated students and graduates are not only spreading the Good News but are also transforming communities and igniting a wave of faith throughout the country.

Our first stop is Pamplona, a city internationally known for the “running of the bulls,” a tradition that attracts thrill-seekers from around the globe. While many know Pamplona for its vibrant and historic festival, our students have been tirelessly working in Pamplona, launching major evangelism campaigns that draw people in much like the city’s famous event. The streets that once echoed with the sounds of bulls now resonate with the joyous proclamation of the Gospel. Our students, passionate and committed, engage with locals through various outreach activities, sharing the life-transforming message of Jesus Christ.

It’s inspiring to see how the city’s dynamic atmosphere provides a unique backdrop for evangelism. The same fervor that fills the streets during the festival is now being channeled into a spiritual movement, bringing hope and salvation to many. This transformation is a testament to the power of God working through our dedicated students, and it’s all made possible by your generous support.

Heading south to Jaén, a historic province with a rich Jewish heritage, you’d see the Gospel being proclaimed in a region with deep cultural roots. Jaén was once a city with a strong Jewish presence, evident in its beautiful palatial homes that belonged to noble Jewish families during the Middle Ages. Today, these historic streets are witnessing a different kind of revival. The Gospel is being proclaimed boldly and passionately, breathing new life into an area that holds deep historical roots

Our students in Jaén are not only spreading the message of salvation but are also building relationships and creating lasting impacts. Their work in this province is a shining example of how your support empowers them to bring about meaningful change, transforming lives and communities through the love of Christ.

Your support plays a crucial role in this movement. It enables our students to undertake these extensive evangelism campaigns, providing them with the resources and opportunities to reach out to their fellow Spaniards. Each conversation, each shared testimony, and each act of kindness contributes to a growing wave of faith that is sweeping across Spain.

Witnessing the Uncontainable Move of God

In our relentless pursuit of spreading the Gospel, we find ourselves standing witness to a phenomenon that transcends human comprehension—the uncontainable move of God. As we navigate the intricate pathways of faith, we are confronted with moments that defy the limitations of language, leaving us grasping for words to encapsulate the magnitude of what we’re experiencing.

Picture this: a landscape transformed by the divine touch, where hearts once hardened are now softened by the gentle whisper of grace. In the midst of uncertainty and chaos, we see the emergence of hope, like a beacon illuminating the darkest of nights. Each encounter, each testimony, is a testament to the boundless love and power of our Creator.

But how do we begin to articulate the ineffable, to capture the essence of the miraculous unfolding before us? It’s as if we need a new lexicon, a “divine dictionary,” to translate the profound into the tangible. From the fervent enthusiasm of those embracing visionary Christian views to the intentional pursuit of divine purposes, we find ourselves immersed in a language that speaks directly to the soul.

As we journey deeper into the heart of God’s mission, we discover that our words fall short, unable to contain the fullness of His glory. Yet, even in our inadequacy, we press on, compelled by the urgency of the task at hand. For we know that beyond the boundaries of language, there lies a realm of possibility where God’s love knows no bounds.

Join us as we seek to unravel the mysteries of this divine movement, to bear witness to the transformative power of faith, and to journey together into the uncharted territories of God’s kingdom. Together, let us embrace the wonder of the uncontainable move of God, knowing that in His presence, there are no words—only awe and wonder.

Bearing Fruit in the New Year: Aligning Resolutions with Christian Values

As the New Year dawns, it’s common to find ourselves in a reflective state, considering our aspirations and setting resolutions for the year ahead. A young man recently approached me with a thoughtful inquiry that is likely on the minds of many: “How can I position my life to achieve fruitfulness in the year ahead?” In essence, he was asking not just how to make wise New Year’s resolutions, but more importantly, how to keep them. This question finds its answer in the teachings of Jesus, particularly in John 15:8, where He says, “The Father is glorified in our bearing much fruit—AND—this proves we are His disciples.”

This scriptural insight provides a profound framework for setting resolutions as it highlights the importance of bearing fruit. But what does it mean to bear fruit in the context of New Year’s resolutions? The fruits that Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit seek are evident in three key areas: Christian character, Christian conduct, and Christian converts.

1. Developing Christian Character:

Christian character refers to the inner transformation that aligns us with the virtues of Christ. This includes cultivating qualities such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In setting resolutions, consider goals that foster these attributes. For instance, resolving to spend daily time in prayer and Bible study can deepen your understanding and practice of these virtues.

2. Exhibiting Christian Conduct:

Christian conduct is about how we live out our faith in our daily interactions and decisions. It involves embodying the teachings of Christ in our relationships, work, and community involvement. Resolutions that focus on improving how we treat others, volunteering for charitable work, or being more ethical in our professional lives are ways we can exhibit Christian conduct.

3. Fostering Christian Converts:

The third aspect of bearing fruit pertains to evangelism and discipleship – leading others to Christ and helping them grow in their faith. This doesn’t necessarily mean setting a goal to convert a specific number of people; rather, it’s about being open to opportunities to share your faith and being a living testimony of Christ’s love. Resolutions might include joining a ministry at church, starting a Bible study group, or simply being more intentional about having spiritual conversations with friends and family.

In aligning our New Year’s resolutions with these aspects of fruitfulness, we do more than just set goals for self-improvement. We position our lives to glorify God and demonstrate our discipleship. This approach transforms our resolutions from mere aspirations into acts of worship and service.

As you set your resolutions for the year ahead, consider how they can contribute to developing your Christian character, conduct, and ability to foster converts. Remember, the goal is not perfection but progress in aligning our lives more closely with the teachings of Christ. In doing so, we not only find personal fulfillment but also contribute to the greater work of God’s kingdom.

May this New Year be one of growth, not just in our personal ambitions, but in our journey of faith, as we seek to bear fruit that glorifies God and proves our discipleship.