
Over 15,000 churches planted since 2000!

The Need

With a population of 11 million, the majority living in impoverished conditions, Cuba faces profound challenges. Factors like the US trade embargo, hurricanes, corruption, and poor productivity hinder progress.

Compounded by these challenges, the COVID-19 lockdown exacerbated issues. Vaccines were scarce, reaching rural areas posed challenges, and severe shortages heightened difficulties. Despite adversities, Cubans showed resilience. Tackling multifaceted challenges requires a concerted effort and understanding of Cuba’s socio-economic and religious landscape.

What’s Happening

The evangelical churches in Cuba have experienced a period of relative freedom and opportunity to advance their mission. The growth in individuals embracing the Savior over the past two decades has surged from approximately 100,000 to surpass the milestone of 2 million. 

However, the demand for leadership within Cuban churches is pressing. Numerous pastors have departed from their ministries, while others have sought refuge beyond the country’s borders. We express gratitude to God for those steadfast individuals who have persevered, steadfastly continuing their work in the abundant harvest field. In a country where only three seminaries exist, our intensive training modules have played a crucial role in furnishing Church Planters and young pastors with much-needed education. 

World Link Ministries operates pastoral training centers in Bayamo, Placetas, and Havana, with more than 700 active church planters diligently spreading the Gospel across the entire island. In our extensive engagement spanning over two decades in Cuba, we have witnessed the establishment of over 15,000 churches, leading to a remarkable one million individuals embracing Christianity. 

Despite an average church size of 150 members, our ongoing efforts result in an impressive average of 100 new church plants each month. While acknowledging the abundant fruitfulness of our work in Cuba by God’s grace, it is evident that there remains a significant amount of work to be undertaken. 

Prayer/Church Planter Support Request

Kindly join us in fervent prayer for the people of Cuba who are earnestly seeking the Good News of Christ Jesus. Your prayers can make a significant impact in bringing spiritual nourishment and hope to their lives.