Our Vision
To see revival in the most challenging parts of the world through the launching of significant, sustainable, and self-perpetuating evangelistic and church planting endeavors.
Our Strategy
We don’t send missionaries from one culture/language to a field that is foreign to them, requiring a lengthy time to learn the language, the local ways, and to be accepted. Instead, we “train the locals to reach the locals” which strategy is what distinguishes us most.
We accomplish this through our time-tested three-pronged strategy:
Our ministry is all about sharing the Gospel as we are called to do by Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
We don’t seek to send smarter Christians who keep their learnings to themselves or a small circle, but instead well-trained and passionate Christians who can’t help but share the Good News with their communities.
For what it takes to support two expatriate families coming from the U.S., we can run an entire program of about 700 workers in Cuba and plant thousands of churches.
According to Eternal Return on Investment, the dollar cost per conversion for our work in the Caribbean to date has only been 63 cents per person!
Accelerated Church Planting
The most effective way to establish a lasting presence of worship, evangelism, discipleship and fellowship is to establish sustainable churches in each venue.
Church planting movements are rapidly transforming countries all over the world by focusing on teaching people where they work or live. Pastors are faithfully sharing the Gospel and training believers to go and share with others the Gospel that’s been shared with them.
We also host short-term mission trips that allow churches in the U.S. to come alongside these church planters for a week and boost their evangelistic reach.
Leadership Training
Many churches fail because of the lack of solid theological doctrine.
To that end, our pastoral training focuses on a curriculum of sound doctrinal training, particularly apologetics (systematic defense of the faith), as well as effective methods of church planting. We provide this training to our local leaders at no cost.
We are currently bringing this training to over 1,500 church planters in 8 countries, but there are still thousands awaiting the necessary resources to join our program and be equipped to be effective leaders.
Our Distinctives
- Urgency: we operate with a bias towards action, as reaching the lost is our driving priority, but only after proper training has been completed;
- Local Equipping: we seek to ground everything we do in locally based and locally led efforts, convinced that this model of ministry is the most effective and biblically sound;
- Creativity and Flexibility: subject to the above, we are always open to new models of ministry to maximize our effectiveness;
- Church-Driven: we see the local church as the biblical, sustainable model to support evangelism and extend Christ’s kingdom, and are committed to working with existing church networks as well as building new ones;
- Pioneering: we are committed to ministries in the most challenging parts of the world, where the soil is rockiest and current spiritual fruit is scarce;
- Disciplined: we will pursue a pace and scope of ministry that is sustainable over the long term, as well as effective in the short term. We will not overreach, spread ourselves too thin, fail to say “no” or “later” when our criteria for expansion are not met. And when circumstances change that may require the hard decision to close a venue and allocate our resources where they can be more effective for Kingdom work, we endeavor to do so as the Lord leads. Accordingly, although we have been active in 14 countries over the years, our resources are currently devoted to 8 countries;
- Accountability and Results Orientation: we focus on ministry impact, not merely activity, and hold one another accountable to a high steward-ship standard through transparency.