
The Need

World Link Ministries is making a profound impact in Ukraine, addressing both the physical and spiritual needs of its people amidst the challenges of war and the lingering effects of communism. Despite Ukraine’s classification as a middle-income state, it faces significant challenges like underdeveloped infrastructure, widespread corruption, and a high number of children living in orphanages, vulnerable to drugs, crime, or prostitution.   

In response to these immense needs, World Link Ministries is actively training and sending out church planters, who are not only spiritual guides but also agents of change and hope. Our partnership with Kiev Theological Seminary ensures that these church planters receive excellent theological training. By providing them with a monthly stipend, we enable these graduates and students to focus solely on planting churches. This investment has yielded remarkable results: an average of 40 graduates annually over the past 20 years have joined our church planting program, leading to the establishment of over 1,000 churches since 2000. 

But our work goes beyond spiritual nourishment. In a country ravaged by war, where many have lost homes and are in dire need of basic necessities, our church planters are on the frontline, providing critical assistance. They bring food to those who are suffering from scarcity, drive people to safety amidst gunfire, and even dig wells to provide water in towns where the water system has been destroyed by shelling. 

What’s Happening

Our mission in Ukraine is twofold: to combat the spiritual vacuum left by false teachings from various cults and to offer tangible, life-saving aid to those in immediate need. By training and supporting these church planters, World Link Ministries is not just building churches; we are rebuilding lives, communities, and hope in a nation yearning for transformation. We invite you to join us in this vital mission, helping to create a future where the physical and spiritual needs of the Ukrainian people are met with compassion, action, and the transformative power of faith. 

Prayer/Church Planter Support Request

Please pray for:

  • the people of the Ukraine and especially for the children in dire circumstances;
  • the seminaries as they promote greater discernment among Christians, encourage, and plant multiple churches based on sound doctrine;
  • peace and reconciliation in a culture ravaged by war, which is continuing to some degree to this date; and
  • protection of our church planters as they fearlessly strive to reach people for Christ and prayer for those in need.

Also, please consider supporting a church planter at $100/month.


Letter From a Church Planter

We are pleased to share this letter (edited for English and brevity), as a further insight into our work in Ukraine.

During my study in the seminary God placed the desire in my heart to plant a new church. At first it was rather hard to imagine because I was already quite busy as a youth leader in my church, and it seemed unrealistic for me to go somewhere else for the sake of a new church. I continued to pray that God would either take away that desire if it was not from Him or that He would strengthen my heart and show me where to plant a new church and who would be on the team. Gradually, God began to answer in a place I originally did not want to go. In an amazing way, God has brought different people from different places of Ukraine, and now we all have moved to Uzhgorod City to work as one team.

We realized that planting a church in new places is incredibly hard work. Laying foundations, building relationships, exploring the city. We had to start from the beginning.

Through our ministry in Uzhgorod, God has revealed so much to us! He was teaching and humbling us. The most valuable understanding we have gained was about the importance of reliance upon God and dependence on Him. We had known that everything depends on God, yet in fact we relied upon our expertise. And it was amazing to watch God not helping us in what we were doing but using us in His plans! No one except God can do anything big, yet for this He needs submissive people.

There actually was no church working with non-believing youth. In a year and a half of ministry in Uzhgorod, we had carried out several camps, and several evangelistic events in the center of the city. Also, we taught in educational institutions about healthy life; several times we were invited to appear on television. When missionaries go to some country to share about Christ, they do not speak their native language but that of the local people to whom they address. That is why we decided to translate the gospel into the language that is common for youth–the language of hip-hop, sports, and the culture of the 21st century. We organized break dance festivals, hip-hop parties, pickup basketball games downtown, and soccer tournament. One cannot lock God in a church sanctuary, keep Him away from one’s daily life and from one’s music or hobby because he wants to be right there!

I can remember the story of a man named Norbiah who heard about the camp we organized, and wanted very much to go to the camp but he was scared at the idea that we might offer him as a sacrifice (this is a misconception some people have of the protestant church in Ukraine). At last he voluntarily gave his life to Christ. Praise be to the Lord! He is at work!

Now we have regular weekly meetings and small groups at homes; we are preparing the first group for baptism. We have been going through countless difficulties, but we are not going to stop. We want to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and “to rescue those being led away to death; those staggering toward the slaughter.” (Prov. 24:11)

Viacheslav Nedzelskyi