What is Accelerated Church Planting (ACP)?
ACP is our proven method of efficiently training and sending out Christian leaders throughout their regions to saturate their regions with the gospel and to plant churches as they disciple the new believers.
We posed the question years ago, “How would we go about planting 100,000 churches over the next five years?” Even though we still have not hit our mark, we stumbled upon a strategy that allows us to move forward with thousands of workers who are starting up nearly 100 churches every month.
We are passionate about evangelism, discipleship and church planting. This is evident in the DNA of our strategy and it has allowed us to partner with ministry leaders in Spain, Cuba, Ukraine, Liberia, Vietnam, East Asia and India.
Did this come from us? Absolutely not! God has shown us the way and as we have sewn, he has produced a vast harvest. If you are interested in church planting or if you desire for your church to be involved, we encouage you to download our presentation to the right so you can see more about what is being developed.